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Anything BUT perfect!

February 3, 2012

So I completed the glue up of the mallet using west systems brand epoxy to make sure that any gaps would be stabilized by the epoxy.  The only problem was that somewhere along the line during the marking and cutting stages I messed up….


The mitres are anything but perfect. This is a picture I took last night of the top of my mallet after I cleaned it up a little with my hand plane. The mitres are not tight like I planned. There are gaps. And gaps to woodworkers are just not acceptable, AT ALL!! So I needed to put on my thinking cap and my hour and a half commute down I-95 this morning was the perfect time to work out a solution.
I decided that to fill the gaps I would cut them out! My plan is to tilt my table saw to 45 degrees and cut a kerf (blade width) the length of each of the 4 mitres and then insert walnut splines. This should hide my mistake and add an extra visual aspect.
So the next time I’m in the shop I will clean up the remaining 2 sides of the mallet with my hand plane and then see what I can do about hiding those little imperfections.

Warning: this is not a blog showing perfection , this is a blog showing my pursuit of perfection. You will see all of my mistakes and victories along the way.

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One Comment
  1. Ricardo Sant'Anna permalink

    I hope your solution works.

    Thank God your not showing only perfect works… That would be nice, but really boring. We should all aim for perfection, but as humans we are bound to make mistakes and learn from them. Great thing about blogs like yours, is that we can look for inspiration and learn from your mistakes and the way you handle them. I love watching woodworking series and shows, but they only show the “perfect way” to work. Sometimes, guys like Roy Underhill or Norm Abrams seem like Gods, always getting everything right the first time. They never show the mistakes, or all the work they did before recording. Then, guys like me feel frustrated because we’re always making mistakes…

    Thanks for posting your mistakes and sharing your wisdom.

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